Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Do Totalitarians Do When They Gain Power Democratically?

What is it that monsters er, I mean, totalitarians do when they take power?  Why they use their power to get more power and to effectively suppress their dissidents.  Just take a good hard long look at the Arab world and the movement that is miss-named the Arab Spring, which is morphing while we watch dumbfounded into the Arab Winter, and its going to be a very long cold winter, and may very well end up being a nuclear winter by the time things are over with.  

In most of the Sunni dominated countries, the ICHWAN MUSLIMI - better known as the Muslim Brotherhood, created by  Hassan al Banna, in March 1928 as an Islamist religious, political, and social movement, and which has spread to most other Muslim countries, is the largest, most well organized, most disciplined, well armed, political force to be reckoned with across the entire Arab world.  In Syria, the uprising in the town of Hama, by the brotherhood, is responsible for the deaths of upward of 40,000 people by Hafez-al-Assad when he sent his younger brother to raze the city with chemical WMD's.  In Egypt, they murdered Sadat for the crime of making peace with Israel. This list is far from complete, it barely scratches the surface.  It is a world wide organization that welds its influence both covertly as well as overtly. 

Anyone that dismisses them as "moderate" Islamists is a fool who is being willfully blind, and is going to be equally responsible for the deaths of millions if innocents because they don't have the internal fortitude or guts to face up to this worldwide threat.  

The Ichwan represents a threat more dangerous than Nazism, because it is infused with the same fascist dogma and combined with Islamist fundamentalist fervor, that teaches that God-Allah, and his messenger, Mohhammed- PBUH, has proscribed the death and/or subjugation of all infidels, especially the Jews!!! 

First, power will be gathered by holding so called 
"democratic" elections, then the opposition will be either jailed, or murdered, then the institutions consisting of the government, army, media, courts, education, religion, and the constitution will be taken over, co-opted, and changed.  

Those that don't go along to get along, will be pushed aside and disappear into history.

For a really accurate read on this, please click the link below and read Barry Rubin's insightful article on this, you shouldn't miss it!!  Knowledge is power, ignorance isn't bliss, its death!!


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