Friday, November 25, 2011

excerpts from a thread on facebook

why the animosity toward Moshe Feiglin? He is a Jew that loves Israel, loves the people of Israel, and only wants what he feels is best for our people. He certainly doesn't agree with giving the land away to the murderers of our people, or to assist Arafat and his minyins ( yamach shmo) from accomplishing their dream of destroying Israel and murdering every Jew, through a phased plan bit by bit, known as the "two state" solution to our death. I mean- COME ON!!

As to whether or not Moshe Feiglin is qualified or not to lead the nation, we are going to have to agree to respectfully disagree on this one point. The reason I have he would be a decent choice, from what I have heard from him on the internet, as I live across the pond, for me, is that he will not be relinquishing our God given hard earned land. In addition, I believe, and I could be mistaken, but I believe that the Arabs respect him more than those that try to coddle them or buy their commitment away, Moshe seems to speak from a position of strength which they respect. After listening to his friend Shmuel Sackett talk about having Jewish leadership, Jewish education, and a Jewish state, not just a state for Jews, I'm not worried about Israel turning into a fundamentalist country run by a Jewish taliban, to quote Shmuel. 

In this I agree that he is very mistaken about Glenn Beck, who has an unwavering commitment to Israel and the Jewish people. I am not afraid of Christians who support us, especially when they aren't proselytizing and trying to convert us,... which also doesn't scare me as much as it does to my fellow tribesman, they haven't been able to succeed in 2000 years and they won't be able to succeed in the future either. Another point on Christians, especially those that feel the need to proselytize, they have no issues with faith, and inevitably, when they are shown real Torah from Sinai, they become nice Jewish boys and girls, as they are yearning for a closer relationship to Hashem.

My dad used to have a dream of being a journalist, and I actually would like to get into that field, though I don't have a degree in it, I have been under the impression that it is a needed to enter into that profession, perhaps I should be more active on my blog, though doing so usually doesn't earn money., Politics I haven't thought of either, but you sure gave me an idea :-) that might be sort of cool. At 55, I am hoping to start a second career in IT, but if that doesn't work out, perhaps I should give that some more serious thought. Bibi, though he can be a great spokesperson,and surely schooled owe-bummer in what Israel is and is not going to do, he also has been, for me, a disappointment. I might be mistaken, but I also seem to remember that it was Bibi that was instrumental in giving up Hevron to the nazi PA, which I regard as a huge mistake, as was uprooting Gush Katif.

The only solution that I see that will stop the murder emanating from Aza is for that hornet's nest to be utterly destroyed. I know that even suggesting such a thing is an extremist, bordering on insane opinion, and I apologize for offending anyone with such an extremist statement, but it has come down to, "its us or them", our children's lives or theirs.

The Arabs of Aza overwhelmingly voted for the hamas, and they are only too eager to provide them with both logistical as well as moral support, therefore, they are not innocent bystanders, that have no choice.

America and the rest of the world, didn't have such bleeding hearts when it came to fire bombing Dresdin during WW2, or nuking Nagasaki/ Hiroshima; Certainly Israel goes way out of her way to preserve the lives of non combatants, with phone calls and air dropping flyer's warning the population to evacuate, prior to operation cast lead, not to mention putting our children through needless door to door clearing of boobie-trapped houses, instead of just razing the city, as any other country has and would do. I think I may have just crossed a red line by suggesting such a thing, but as I said, the Arabs aren't going to suddenly change their minds, its either us and our children or them. My choice is long life for the Jewish people and swift death to our enemies.

oh boy this thread is getting hot: there is one thing that I would like to mention that has a lot to do with settlers homes being razed and that are the left wing nut judges, one of them in particular, Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisc...h has ruled, not for the first time, that any area in Judea and Samaria that has not been declared state land is considered private Arab land by default and all buildings in such areas must be demolished. In addition, there are examples where building permits have been issued by the current gov't, only to be reversed by ehud barak. here is the link to the article about Dorit Beinisch:

not only do I want to make aliyah, but I have to fight both the Israeli gov't and the Arabs at the same time!! This is an example of what concerns me:

and yes I must be insane to want to leave the safety of America, my country that I took an oath to protect and defend its constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
But I have a deep yearning, for some strange reason I can't ...put in words. I'm not a socialist "zionist" nor am I the most religious jew, yet I have strong feelings about how important it is for Jews to reclaim and settle the land. That there are mitvot that can't be fulfilled not living in the land, that the land itself only has yielded its produce when the Jews returned. That we as a people and a nation are at a precipitous crossroads in history, that the world political scene and economies are coming to a head, and I want to be in Israel when this crash occurs.
the gloves come off when it comes to Livni, Ehud Barak, and Peres. I happen to like Dennis Prager, I'm disappointed to hear that he said that, but perhaps he has changed his tune since ...then, especially considering the last several videos that he has produced. I feel that Israel needs to institute the death penalty for Islamists that murder our people. I am also all for considering population transfer, a large portion of the Arabs that live in the Shomron and Yahuda want to leave, we should be able to encourage them with financial assistance. In addition, I want to see a massive increase in building new townships and cities from the Salt Sea to the Mediterranean, for Jewish population, coupled with a massive effort by the Gov't on worldwide immigration. In addition, something has to be done about the left wing nut Judges, in how they are appointed, to how law is created, to how they can be REMOVED. Without these steps, immigration from America and the rest of the diaspora will be only a trickle, Israel will not be able to attract Jews without it, even though anti antisemitism is at a world wide high, and getting worse daily. As I said before, I must be insane to want to come to Israel given that they keep destroying communities like what are mentioned in the articles that I posted, and keep in mind, those communities aren't hilltop shacks thrown up overnight. I keep being told that the only way to fight these wrongs is for me and other Jews to make aliyah, that way there will be the demographic's to cement in place Yahuda and Shomron and the Galil, as well as the Negev and the Golan. I have to respond, that without the reforms that I mentioned, Israel is simply not going to attract the number of Jews needed to do this. keep in mind, we are barely 13 million worldwide, with 6 million in Israel now, we need at least another 4-5 million to make aliyah, how can this happen, when housing is not available, when we release murderers, when we don't fight wars to WIN, and when we have all the other problems that both of us outlined.... maybe the only answer ( I hate to say this) is that the moshiach really needs to come. I don't know, but I do know that this situation isn't going to last long. War is coming my friend, Hamas and Hezbollah are going to be launching their stock piles and Iran along with Egypt will attack. scary stuff on the horizon.
are the communities of Givat Assaf, Migron, Ulpena Neighborhood in Beit El, Amona – all slated for destruction in next 4 months as outlined in this article: are they ILLEGAL outposts?
slicah!! please excuse, I would like to interject for one moment.
1. criticizing the Gov't of Israel is not Israel bashing, the same is true for America.
2. While it is true that there is creeping Islamisation in our school system, are plenty of us that are fighting it "tooth and nail", and this current administration is very likely to change come 2012.
3. Similar criticism can be said toward Israel for "allowing" the PA to incite in their school systems, their mosques and their media, and I don't happen to see the equivalent of Al-Jizeera in a pro-Israel media outlet doing all that it can to combat the Jew hatred of the past 60 years, but I would like to be informed if there is, so I can start following that also.
4. The gov't of Israel, is not above harsh criticism. Bibi is no different than most other politicians, who have promised a lot and then not delivered. I am very happy that Gilad was returned alive, and while I understand that the 1000 fatahnicks that were released were picked by Israel, and many were set to be released in a year of so anyway, and that the most vicious one not released, the fact remains that not only are many going to gleefully return to murdering us, but the pattern of releasing these rodafe's has been continued, and will continue to be used by the Arabs in the future; which is why I am all for the death penalty for those Arabs that murder Jews.
5. Israel also has its share of self hating jews like the peace now movement. America isn't alone in the world in this regard. There are plenty of our brethren worldwide that lack education of history, and aren't connected to their roots. I'm not advocating that Israel change into the equivalent of a Jewish taliban, but having a more solid Torah education throughout Israeli society would do wonders in terms of alleviating the condition that is rampant where there are Israeli's that now buy into the lie that Israel is an occupying colonial force that removed Arabs that were in the land since "time immemorial" - and I am using that term to reference the excellent work of Joan Peters, which I'd love to see required reading by all Jews worldwide.
6. I referenced two articles that list the communities of Givat Assaf, Migron, Ulpena Neighborhood in Beit El, Amona – all slated for destruction in next 4 months; this is just another example that scares me and other Jews that not only do care about Israel, and that do dream of making aliyah, but see this being done on a continued basis, for successive generations of administrations while at the same time we see nothing in the news of any Arab villages being torn down, that were build without permits, without permission, in their effort to land grab in their continued war to destroy us. A Jew can't erect so much as a shed without excessive permits and paperwork, without the bulldozers showing up in the middle of the night.

As I have said previously and in other posts, I am considering making aliyah next year- why I want to do this I can't explain, especially given that circumstances aren't going to change very much, there are Judges that make law from the bench that bend over backwards to literally give away the land to the Arabs, and can't be removed from power, and the Gov't continues to destroy the lives of its citizens by destroying their homes; the list goes on, I can't name even a smidgen of injustices that are being perpetrated against the citizens of Israel.

I'd rather fight hand to hand, OG, the giant, than have to suffer at he hands of the Israeli gov't the incessant wrongs it commits against the Jewish people.

shabbat shalom

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