Friday, July 24, 2009


you know why I choose the url: yahuditipshim? look up the two words...if you don't speak hebrew.

I choose that title for all of the jews in the world that act to destroy themselves and the entire nation of israel, in Israel and throughout the world, there are self hating jews, there are ignorant jews, there are bagel witha shmear a cream cheese ( philly) jews, and there are STUPID JEWS... Yes Stupid Jews, Imagine that there are actually such a thing, but there is. many jews very stupid.

there are large numbers of "reform" jews that make the bedrock of their faith homosexual rights and abortion on demand, and who often side with the true enemy . It amazes me that my Dad went to war physically, twice, to fight spanish and german fascism, which was successfully injected into arab culture throughout the arag world through the mufti amin al hussenei, ( they were the allies of the germans) and now 70 years later, the children of the enemies that my dad fought against, are killing us, being incited by coranic and german anti semitism,which is propagated throughout the arab and muslim world. The protocols of the elders of zion are a best seller in every islamic country. and these reformed jews actively support and seek dialog with those that are planning their destruction. these are stupid jews, stupid jews post pictorial essays that say welcome to "palistine" in their reception hall, depicting israel and the gestapo jackboot state oppressing the poor poor pitiful me fakeistinia.

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