Thursday, July 23, 2009

what drove me crazy today

It may be harsh of me to be so passionate about my unabashed stand against the threat of "radical" islam; but I am very alarmed by the "Neville Chamberlin" like attitude of appeasment and cowardess by so many of our elected officials, of the worst dictators on this planet, Mahmoud Achmininajad ( jihad) of Iran , Basher Assad of Syria. ( Im also extremely concerned about North Korea, which seems to me to be ready to nuke Seoul, Japan, Hawaii, or even one of our major cities here or use an EMP weapon.

I can't stand the collusion with Saudi Arabia, the great exporter of hate filled vile in the sanctuaries of hate, their funded mosques and madrasses all over the world; nor the groveling and apologizing for the supposed insults to islam when you merely state the obvious fact that muslims are shouting with glee, "allah u akbar" while slowly slicing through all the rest of us poor infidel jews, hindus, buddhists, christians, muslims, secularists, atheists throats. ( why we need to start using flex fuel cars and make our fuel alcohol, methanol, hydrogen/oxygen gas assisted burning vehicles)

christianity has been satirized to death, with cross's placed in jars filled with human excrement as an art display in major museums across the globe, but the mere drawing of cartoons is enough to set europe ablaze for months without so much as a peep from the major news organizations. you say the slightest thing against islam and you are vilified as a hate mongering zenophobic islamophobe. you get sued, fired, even brought up on charges by so called human rights commissions for hate speech and can face jail!

they say that the fanatics of all religions are all bad; OH YEA? BULL ****

fanatical christians try to convince you to worship the dead jew as god, son of god, and messiah all wrapped up into one, and if you don't they tell you that your doomed to burn in hell forever.... oh my how frightening!!

they dont teach their children to aspire to be a shahid and strap bombs to themselves while killing the infidel.

mmmm fanatical hindu's...lets see...the chant hari chrisna , or vishna, or rama rama, or some other elephant incarnaiton as a diety, all day long, while dancing, maybe get into the kama sutra for several days straight; they also don't teach their children to become psycopathic murderers from womb to the tomb.

buddhists..lets see now...ommmmmmmmmmmmmm

meditation all day long, reciting sutras...maybe at worst, pouring gasoline over YOURSELF to protest injustice and evil, but do you see the DALI LAMA teaching his followers to become shahids? NO!!

orthodox jews, pray three times aday, while mumbling to themselves, they are fanatical about keeping kosher, keeping the sabbath, having a bagel with a shmear of cream cheese a bissel, but do you see any rabbi, any where, in any time, teach what is being taught within the school texts, mosques, and madrasses around the world to become martyers to allah, blow yourself up while killing the infidel? NO!

I apologize for going ballistic today, but being told that love is the only thing that can conquer evil, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, in the face of such evil, is just maddening. it drove me crazy all day today, I was fuming...arrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh..

look at what the hell is going on in Iran, the thousands of people that are being trampled, that are yearning for freedom; don't you think that if love were the way to win over the hearts of the guy thats pummeling you with a bat, and then mass raping you till your rectum and vagina are torn open and you're left for dead, don't you think that maybe they would get the message of love and STOP HURTING YOU???? hell no, they just laugh at you while slitting your throat.

by the way, and you can google this, did ya'll know this tidbit:

"In a different perspective, some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims."

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