Monday, August 24, 2009

why is it that the mosque in question can't be closed down and their "fearless" leader DEPORTED along with the extremist members? I am so SICK of having to tip toe through the tulips of political correctness because of muslims being offended. my father fought fascism twice, and though he was an idealist, and liberal, he wasn't like todays liberal, who malign you for disagreeing. Liberalism - 19th century ideology that sought self-government, and legal equality for all and free-market economic policies. 19th century "liberalism" is a far cry from what "liberalism" means todays. It used to be said by liberals, " I disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it" NOT ANYMORE! Just ask Nancy Pelozi or Barney Frank or the other leadership of the Democratic Movement. what a FARCE!!!!

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